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genertec and genertec china meheco signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with guang'anmen hospital of china academy of chinese medical sciences on july 15. the two parties will carry out all-round strategic cooperation in the field of medicine and healthcare.

genertec chairman yu xubo, vice-president zhou mingchun and xie biao, assistant general manager of genertec as well as president of genertec china meheco li yadong, guang’anmen hospital party secretary wang xiaopin, vice president hua baojin, deputy party secretary liu zhen, secretary of disciplinary inspection committee liang jun, attended the signing ceremony.

under the strategic cooperation, the two parties will jointly build a world-class national tcm oncology center that takes the lead in playing an exemplary role, set up a modern and digital base for chinese medicine r&d and industrialization, and launch a co-branded distinctive service platform.

by pooling their strength in healthcare, technology service and globalization of chinese medicine through investment in human and financial resources, the parties will level up the r&d in chinese medicine and other related fields, improve the development in strategic and critical science and technology, address some major and overall public health problems, and provide strong support for building a healthier nation.

yu said that the strategic cooperation agreement will provide a platform for the center to achieve coordinated development, innovation-driven and win-win cooperation. it also marks that their cooperation on the high-quality development of chinese medicine across the board has reached a new height.

next, genertec and genertec china meheco will joint hands with guang’anmen hospital to build the center into a world-leading one. targeted at the four most common cancers, the center will focus on r&d of core technologies to promote the discipline of chinese medicine oncology, address the chronic problem of malignant tumors through tcm prevention and treatment, and form a cornerstone in tcm inheritance, innovation and development.
