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genertec chairman yu xubo and vice-president wang xusheng led a delegation to shangdu county, north china's inner mongolia autonomous region from september 15 to 17 for investigation of paired assistance. 

on a symposium with the shangdu county committee of the communist party of china (cpc) and the county government, yu said genertec will closely follow the strategy of rural vitalization, and work with shangdu county to learn from the experiences gained from previous poverty alleviation efforts, improve the group's working and institutional systems, and further enhance its assistance for the county, so as to help the county consolidate the achievements in poverty alleviation and ensure solid progress in rural vitalization.

on a donation ceremony, the delegation donated a genertec mobile clinic that is able to provide mobile healthcare and online health consultancy services to shangdu county. the genertec mobile clinic, with basic diagnosis and treatment functions, can also work as a mobile rescue center. the delegation also visited an e-commerce center in the county where they conducted field investigation for better consumption-driven rural vitalization. the members of the delegation learned detailed information about the center's selection of commodities, quality control, sales, logistics and safety control, and stressed that food safety must be taken as a priority in consumption-driven rural vitalization.

at a local primary school and kindergarten aided by genertec, the delegation learned the group's funding for them, their visions on school management, as well as their development and achievements. during their stay at the two educational facilities, the members of the delegation visited a service center for left-behind children, an inflatable sports dome, and a mini library. they also joined a class in a smart classroom and sent books and toys to the students at the primary school and kindergarten. besides, the delegation took part in a prize-giving ceremony for an essay contest sponsored by genertec and presented the prizes to the winners.

after that, the delegation visited several villages in shangdu county to learn how they have improved their appearance, developed collective economy and carried out cultural and sports activities. the delegation also carried out a research at a sports center, wells and a chicken farm aided by genertec in shangdu's quannaozi village. 

major leaders of the shangdu county committee of the cpc and the county government, as well as heads of genertec cxxg, genertec cmc, genertec universal medical and relevant departments of genertec accompanied the delegation.
